Create Simple Workflow Apps On Mac

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Workflow cuts down on wasted time by automating complex tasks you do on your phone. Workflow is quick and easy, letting you create new apps and shortcuts with simple drag-and-drop commands. Workflow is versatile and can operate from inside other apps like Safari and Evernote. Alternatives to Workflow for Android, Android Tablet, iPhone, Windows, iPad and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 23 apps similar to Workflow. Workflow is your personal automation tool, enabling you to drag and drop any combination of actions to create powerful workflows.

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-->Create Simple Workflow Apps On Mac

This quickstart introduces the basic general concepts behind how to build your first workflow by using Azure Logic Apps, such as creating a blank logic app, adding a trigger and an action, and then testing your logic app. In this quickstart, you build a logic app that regularly checks a website's RSS feed for new items. If new items exist, the logic app sends an email for each item. When you're done, your logic app looks like this workflow at a high level:

For this scenario, you need an Azure subscription or sign up for a free Azure account, an email account from a service that's supported by Azure Logic Apps, such as Office 365 Outlook,, or Gmail. For other supported email services, review the connectors list here. In this example, the logic app uses an Office 365 Outlook account. If you use a different email service, the overall general steps are the same, but your user interface might differ slightly.


If you want to use the Gmail connector, only G-Suite business accounts can use this connector without restriction in logic apps.If you have a Gmail consumer account, you can use this connector with only specific Google-approved services, or you cancreate a Google client app to use for authentication with your Gmail connector.For more information, see Data security and privacy policies for Google connectors in Azure Logic Apps.

Sign in to the Azure portal

Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure account credentials.


Create your logic app

  1. From the Azure home page, in the search box, find and select Logic Apps.

  2. On the Logic Apps page, select Add.

  3. On the Logic App pane, provide details about your logic app as shown below. After you're done, select Create.

    Name<logic-app-name>Your logic app name, which can contain only letters, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), parentheses ((, )), and periods (.). This example uses 'My-First-Logic-App'.

    Note: Names for logic apps must be unique across regions.

    Subscription<Azure-subscription-name>Your Azure subscription name
    Resource group<Azure-resource-group-name>The name for the Azure resource group used to organize related resources. This example uses 'My-First-LA-RG'.

    Note: Names for resource groups must be unique across regions.

    Location<Azure-region>The region where to store your logic app information. This example uses 'West US'.
    Log AnalyticsOffKeep the Off setting for diagnostic logging.
  4. After Azure deploys your app, on the Azure toolbar, select Notifications > Go to resource for your deployed logic app.

    Or, you can find and select your logic app by typing the name in the search box.

    The Logic Apps Designer opens and shows a page with an introduction video and commonly used triggers. Under Templates, select Blank Logic App.

Next, add a trigger that fires when a new RSS feed item appears. Every logic app must start with a trigger, which fires when a specific event happens or when a specific condition is met. Each time the trigger fires, the Azure Logic Apps engine creates a logic app instance that starts and runs your workflow.

Add the RSS trigger

  1. In the Logic App Designer, under the search box, select All.

  2. In the search box, enter rss to find the RSS connector. From the triggers list, select the When a feed item is published trigger.

  3. Provide the information for your trigger as described in the table:

    The RSS feed URL<RSS-feed-URL>The link for the RSS feed that you want to monitor. This example uses
    Interval1The number of intervals to wait between checks
    FrequencyMinuteThe unit of time for each interval between checks

    Together, the interval and frequency define the schedule for your logic app's trigger. This logic app checks the feed every minute.

  4. To collapse the trigger details for now, click inside the trigger's title bar.

  5. Save your logic app. On the designer toolbar, select Save.

Your logic app is now live but doesn't do anything other than check the RSS feed. So, add an action that responds when the trigger fires.

Add the 'send email' action

Microsoft Workflow App

Now add an action that sends an email when a new item appears in the RSS feed.

  1. Under the When a feed item is published trigger, select New step.

  2. Under Choose an action and the search box, select All.

  3. In the search box, enter send an email to find connectors that offer this action. From the actions list, select the 'send an email' action for the email service that you want to use. This example uses the Office 365 Outlook connector, which has the Send an email action.

    To filter the actions list to a specific app or service, you can select that app or service first:

    • For Azure work or school accounts, select Office 365 Outlook.
    • For personal Microsoft accounts, select
  4. If your selected email connector prompts you to authenticate your identity, complete that step now to create a connection between your logic app and your email service.


    In this specific example, you manually authenticate your identity. However, connectors that require authentication differ inthe authentication types that they support. You also have options to set up the way that you want to handle authentication.For example, when you use Azure Resource Manager templates for deployment, you can parameterize and improve security on inputsthat you want to change often or easily, such as connection information. For more information, see these topics:

  5. In the Send an email action, specify the data that you want the email to include.

    1. In the To box, enter the recipient's email address. For testing purposes, you can use your email address.

      For now, ignore the Add dynamic content list that appears. When you click inside some edit boxes, this list appears and shows any available parameters from the previous step that you can include as inputs in your workflow.

    2. In the Subject box, enter this text with a trailing blank space: New RSS item:

    3. From the Add dynamic content list, select Feed title to include the RSS item title.

      When you're done, the email subject looks like this example:

      If a 'For each' loop appears on the designer, then you selected a token for an array, for example, the categories-Item token. For these kinds of tokens, the designer automatically adds this loop around the action that references that token. That way, your logic app performs the same action on each array item. To remove the loop, select the ellipses (...) on the loop's title bar, then select Delete.

    4. In the Body box, enter this text, and select these tokens for the email body. To add blank lines in an edit box, press Shift + Enter.

      Feed titleThe item's title
      Feed published onThe item's publishing date and time
      Primary feed linkThe URL for the item
  6. Save your logic app.

Next, test your logic app.

Run your logic app

To manually start your logic app, on the designer toolbar bar, select Run. Or, wait for your logic app to check the RSS feed based on your specified schedule (every minute). If the RSS feed has new items, your logic app sends an email for each new item. Otherwise, your logic app waits until the next interval before checking again. If you don't get any emails, check your junk email folder.

Simple Workflow Tools

For example, here is a sample email that this logic app sends.

Technically, when the trigger checks the RSS feed and finds new items, the trigger fires, and the Azure Logic Apps engine creates an instance of your logic app workflow that runs the actions in the workflow. If the trigger doesn't find new items, the trigger doesn't fire and 'skips' instantiating the workflow.

Congratulations, you've now successfully built and run your first logic app with the Azure portal.

Apple Workflow App

Clean up resources

When you no longer need this sample, delete the resource group that contains your logic app and related resources.

  1. On the main Azure menu, select Resource groups, and then select your logic app's resource group. On the Overview pane, select Delete resource group.

  2. When the confirmation pane appears, enter the resource group name, and select Delete.


When you delete a logic app, no new runs are instantiated.All in-progress and pending runs are canceled.If you have thousands of runs, cancellation mighttake significant time to complete.

Next steps

In this quickstart, you created your first logic app that checks for RSS updates based your specified schedule (every minute), and takes action (sends email) when updates exist. To learn more, continue with this tutorial that creates more advanced schedule-based workflows: